First Holy Communion

First Holy Communion is one of the most celebrated sacraments of our Catholic faith. It is also a sacrament that requires much preparation so that the children understand the mystery, the sacrifice and love behind the Holy Eucharist.

They will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation approximately one month before their First Holy Communion
Children preparing to receive First Holy Communion and Reconciliation are required to attend our CCD classes in both first and second grades. They will be instructed on how to make a good confession, required prayers, proper procedures and manners during Mass. It is a lot to learn but they always have fun. First Holy Communion is held on Mother's Day every year. After Mass, the children form a procession and walk throughout the church and crown the Blessed Mother with flowers in honor of Mother's Day. Afterwards, the children are honored in Biad Hall while donuts, coffee and goodies are served for the children and their families.

Our Lady of Good Counsel

115 Main Street, Secretary, MD 21664
Secretary MD, 21664

Rectory Office Hours: 1:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m.
Tuesday and Thursday